This is what I believe:
    That I am
    That my soul is a dark forest.
    That my known self will never be more than a little clearing

    in the forest.
    That gods, strange gods, come forth from the forest into

    the clearing of my known self, and then go back.

    That I must have the courage to let them come and go.
    That I will never let mankind put anything over me, but that

    I will always try to recognize and submit to the gods in me

    and the gods in other men and women.
    There is my creed. (
D. H. Lawrence)



You may be wondering about my identity, my appearance or the kind of person I am. I will satisfy the curiosity of those who do not know me yet and surprise those who think that they do. Nevertheless,  your visit here is but a short walk through this forest.  Should you find that my words, my thoughts or my visions are a mirror in which you can see yourself or should these thoughts enlighten you in any way, feel free to take a leaf out of my book. But please share it with others.


“ I don’t want the world to see me

Cause I don’t think that they’d understand…

But when everything’s meant to be broken,

I just want you to know who I am… “ (Goo Goo Dolls - Iris)


Some say I’m cryptic, some say I’m full of shit… few really understand. But those that do, can say knowing me takes time… and patience. Not all of you may get to know me, but then again, do you really want to? If you do, this is a good place to start. I can’t help thinking there are so few one can trust these days, so…

............Can you keep a secret?..........


“ So the endless I began… “


My story goes something like this…

My real name is Andrei V Lascu (V comes from Vladimir, a Russian name my godparents chose for me; now that you know this I have to kill you! Sorry). I was born in Bucharest, Romania on the 13th of May 1985.

If you do the math, you’ll find out I recently turned 20. I went to school & high school here, at the “Jean Monnet” institution. I am now studying economics in the English section of SELS ( at ASE (the Romanian Academy of Economic Studies). I’m sure you don’t really wanna know about my qualifications or my diplomas so I’m gonna skip that and move right on to the things I enjoy doing. I absolutely love listening to music, not a day goes by that I don’t play my favourite tunes (if you’re one of my neighbours, know that I do this for your sake – so that you learn more about music :D so don’t hate me).  I enjoy graphic designing (you can see some of my work in the IMAGES section), it relaxes me. During high school I developed a passion for IT (software development, web design, graphics etc) which I hope will evolve into a successful career.  I like sports too, although I guess I could find more time for practicing them. And, as you can see, writing gives me great pleasure. There are so many things I enjoy doing… just thinking about it makes my heart  beat faster. You must know what I am talking about. I’m sure you felt this too, this joy of simply being alive. You can see it in a baby’s smile or in your lover’s eyes. You’ll feel it every time you’ll see the sunset and with every step you may take towards the fulfilling of your dreams. You’ll feel it when you’re lying down on the beach to watch the sun rise from the sea. You’ll see it in every drop of a warm summer rain, in every starry night, in every snowflake that falls in your hand. You’ll feel this at the corner of your eyes with every smile, in your chest every time you fall in love, in the warm gratitude you receive every time you do something to help others. A friend of mine once told me:


“Allow yourself to dream!

Smile with your eyes!

Love with all your heart!

Make this world a right place for the souls of children!”      


Because it sounds better in Romanian, I’ll write the original version of this below:

“Sa te lasi purtat de vise!

Sa zambesti cu ochii!

Sa iubesti cu toata inima!

Sa creezi lumea pentru suflete de copii! ”


I’ll always try to follow this advice. You should too.